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Corridor Transformation
Most urban corridors in Amercian cities have been built with insufficient consideration for pedestrians and bicyclists, or have been damaged over time by well-intentioned but inadequatelly considered street widening and auto-oriented commercial strip development. Such corridors divide communities and neighborhoods more than they connect them together, and many underperform economically, environmentally and visually. The good news is that such corridors represent fertile veins of commercial and mixed-use property throughout the city, available for change and mixed-use infill development, and well-located for future success based on their high visibility, traffic counts, and adjacency to flanking neighborhoods.
We help communities envision the possibilities for regenerating these places and recapturing their dormant value, with street designs that enable active transportation and pedestrian life, calming traffic and supporting transit, and mixed-use infill development strategies and codes to bring much-needed workforce housing, neighborhood-serving commercial uses, and employment opportunities within comfortable walking distance of existing neighborhoods. We have led the preparation of vision plans and implementing codes for corridor revitalization projects throughout California, and in Texas, Florida and New York.