Our Team

We are urban planners, designers, and architects, with a core team of 8 fulltime professional staff.  Most of the team is based in our main studio in Old Town Pasadena, and several work primarily remotely. Our Senior Principal and Associate Principal are based in the Sacramento Area and Bay Area, respectively, to better serve our Northern California clients. Our senior staff have been planning, designing, coding, entitling and building sustainable, walkable, mixed-use places since the 1980s, and our design team includes talented designers, planners and code writers from top schools and professional backgrounds.  We all share a passion for sustainable place-making and collaborative, creative problem-solving. In addition to our core of full-time staff members, a number of consulting associates - both independent professionals and principals of other firms - regularly join our project teams for selected assignments, augmenting our capacity and capabilities with their specific expertise and skill sets to meet the requirements of each project, client, scope and schedule.

Our team is focused on urban planning and design - from the scale of the city to the neighborhood, district and corridor - with a strong emphasis on urban structure, public realm design, and human-scale, locally and regionally calibrated architecture and landscape.  We are expert in leading interactive and highly illustrated public outreach and engagement processes, in preparing clear vision plans, master plans, specific plans, general plans, form-based codes, objective design standards, and design guidelines in a range of formats.  We also provide implementation support services including conceptual architectural and public realm design, entitlement management, development advisement, and development design review.