Tehachapi Adopts New Form-Based General Plan

The Tehachapi City Council has adopted a new General Plan, based on over 6 years of community discussion and work, that reflects their vision of Tehachapi as a small mountain town and established a long-term frame physical and policy framework to guide and shape future growth. The work began in 2005 when the City retained David Sargent to help them understand why new development seemed out of place, not reinforcing the existing and desired small town character. David and his town planning team at HDR prepared a vision plan and interim design guidelines, and recommended that the City's general plan be updated to reflect that clarified vision. In 2007 the City's retained Moule & Polyzoides - with whom Mr. Sargent was at that time a senior associate - to update of the general plan. The general plan update was led by senior associates Tony Perez and David Sargent.