The City of Pasadena has selected a consultant team led by Nelson/Nygaard and including Sargent Town Planning, Lisa Wise Consulting, and Melendrez to prepare citywide Form-Based Street Design Guidelines.
The project is funded by a grant from the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) as part of their on-going initiative to promote sustainable communities, active transportation and transit. The guidelines will provide a framework within which the functional classification system of the recently adopted Mobility Element will be integrated with an urban context classification system. STP and LWC will collaborate with City staff in developing the context classification framework, based on review and analysis of the City's existing general plan, specific plans, zoning, and form-based design guidelines. STP and Melendrez will collaborate with Nelson/Nygaard in designing an adaptable system of thoroughfare types and public frontage types to guide and prioritize future improvements to streets throughout Pasadena. Then guidelines will also be structured to to help inform and facilitate the subsequent preparation of form-based zoning standards.