National APA Award for Rancho Cucamonga General Plan

On Tuesday, April 4, at the 23rd National Planning Conference in Philadelphia, the Sustainable Communities Division of the American Planning Association announced the six winners of the 10th annual awards for excellence in sustainability. These awards honor projects, plans, policies, individuals and organizations whose work is dedicated to supporting sustainable communities, and represent extraordinary achievements in six sustainable planning categories. The Rancho Cucamonga General Plan and Climate Action Plan received the Community-wide Award, having previously received awards from the Inland Empire and California Chapters of the APA. As part of a large, multi-discipinary team of City staff and consulting professionals, Sargent Town Planning was a principal author of the Vision Volume, Built Environment Volume, and the Placemaking Toolkit in the Implementation Strategy Volume. The Plan lays out a series of strategies to chart a path toward building a 21st century world-class community that is grounded in the City Council's foundational core values of health, equity, and stewardship. The intent of the Plan is to enhance the community with a wide variety of housing, recreation, arts and culture, entertainment, and employment opportunities that are well-connected and accessible to everyone, and to preserve the character, history, and quality of life that continue to make Rancho Cucamonga a special place to live.