Sargent Selected to Prepare Health District Master Plan and Code
Through a nationwide competitive selection process, Sargent Town Planning has been selected to work with the City of Lancaster and the Antelope Valley Healthcare District to prepare a master plan and development code for a 240 acre district in the center of Lancaster, California. For the past decade, the City has been systematically pursuing a strategy of reinvestment in its center, with a focus on complete, walkable, transit-servable, mixed-use places. Successes to date include the remarkable revitalization of its downtown core and planning for transit-oriented development surrounding its commuter rail station area. Just a half-mile to the west the Health District plan area - with well over 100 acres of vacant land surrounding the existing hospital - represents a rare opportunity to surround an existing healthcare facility with an urban district focused on community health and wellness.
The plan will define a flexible framework for the expansion of the core healthcare campus, and for its integration into a surrounding mixed-use district that will include medical and health related uses, housing, support commercial, and civic spaces and facilities. Stakeholder engagement and conceptual design are underway, with a draft plan scheduled for public review by early 2017. The STP team includes HGA Architecture for healthcare planning, HR&A for economic analysis and development strategy, Nelson/Nygaard and Stantec for transportation and infrastructure planning, Studio One Eleven for collaboration on infill types, and Meridian Consultants for environmental review.